General Changes for 4.39
The following general changes have been made for the 4.39:

A new institution setting Restrict common passwords can be found under Institution Settings > Users.
This will block the 10,000 most common passwords, even if they meet the institution-defined complexity rules.

The following institution setting has been added.
Screen | This field | Holds this information... |
General (Cross-System) screen | Default address type for term time | The default address type during term time. |

The following role has been added.
Role Group | Role | Allows users to... |
ebs: ontrack Tribal ILP | ILP Manager | View all ILP screens, but not edit or create. |

The following changes have been made to reference data:
The Edge Roles reference data screen has been added
The Edge Roles field has been added to the Third Party Links screen.
NI CDR reference data changes
UK HESA Alternative Return reference data changes
ENG ILR reference data changes